Why Junks are not Good for You!!!

One of the bad habits people are quick to develop is with their feeding. And most people develop these bad feeding habits due to the nature of their job, some due to ignorance, and the majority blame it on 'time.' 
Do you think we have justifiable reasons to continue with a bad feeding habit? Read on to get a clear balance that can help you practice better feeding habits irrespective of the nature of your job.

What Are Junks?

Junks are simply referred to as things that are considered to be of no use or value, or of low quality.
Now, relating this to food, junks are those edible items that are usually of low quality.
They are often referred to as 'fast foods'.
Fast foods are foods that can be prepared quickly and is eaten quickly. 

Examples of junk foods are, Biscuits, cakes, alcoholic drinks, fast foods (such as pizzas, burgers etc.,), processed meats, chocolates, sweets, carbonated drinks, the list goes on. Junks may be okay when they are taken once in a while and not when you make them your main meals everyday. This is because their compositions are not good for your health.

Junks are generally:
1. High in sugars
2. With increased salts
3. High in saturated or trans fats
4. Made with processing preservatives that are usually low in nutrition.

Why People Take Junks

Junks are taken most times to quench hunger or to satisfy cravings.
However, we must understand that, "eating doesn't have to do with taking in anything you find edible but, with what keeps you healthy." 
A saying also goes thus,  "the  state of your health  will be determined by the way you feed." 

So, it is "edible "  does not mean it is "healthy for you ."  Below are some effects of Junk foods on your health that you may need to know:

1. Risk of Obesity.
Fast food is filled with saturated or trans fats and high calorie. So, excessive intake can lead to obesity.

2. Increased blood sugar levels
One of the major effects of junk foods on the body is increased blood sugar levels in the body. White flour contain sugar amounts which can lead to an excessive secretion of insulin.

3. Effects on the Central Nervous System
The CNS is the part of the brain that deals with the change in environmental conditions and ability to respond to the changes. Therefore, mental or psychological issues arise from the use of unhealthy meals when taken too often (such as in addiction).

4. Depression
Excess consumption makes your body more dependent on it and increase craving for it. Hormonal imbalance in the body leads to wanting more of them and can lead to depression when the cravings are not satisfied.

Alternatives For Junk Foods

Having discovered that junks are not healthy for you, below are some alternatives listed.
They are time and pocket friendly and also contains needed nutrients for your health. They include:

1. Whole Wheat bread
White bread is the most common bread type. It contains more starch which means more sugar content than wheat bread. Wheat bread on the other hand can be healthier. It contains fiber which is essential for a regular digestive system.

2. Fresh Fruit Juices
A great benefit of fruit juices is that they provide you with essential vitamins such as Vitamin C. 
Another benefit of fruit juice is that they don't take too much time to make. It's perfect for people in a hurry all the time.
This includes: Mango juice, Orange juice, Lemon juice and Apple juice.

3. Lemon + Water
Instead of a can of soda which contains almost 50percent sugars and carbonated water. Swapping soda and other fizzy drinks for water is best for keeping your body healthy.
You can choose to add a little amount of lemon to your water to give some flavor to the water. Plus, staying hydrated also helps reduce cravings for carbonated drinks.

4. Oatmeal
Oatmeal can replace any kind of unhealthy snack imaginable. It can be much more than just a breakfast item.
You can have it at any time of the day or even as a healthy snack alternative at work or during your travel.
It's a source of important Vitamins, mineral and fibre which promote weight loss, promote blood sugar levels and reduce risks of heart diseases.

Other alternatives include:
. Swap candies for dried fruits.
. Swapping chips for Carrots.
. Taking Homemade smoothies instead of carbonated drinks.

Your Health Affects Your Productivity
You must understand that, your health can affect your productivity.
Eat healthy to stay healthy so as to become more productive!


I am Gift Mademia AKINOLA. An ardent lover of God. I'm an author. I'm the Head-facilitator at The School of Purpose. Also, the Head-Coach at GiftedMaddy's Concept. A professional platform for providing services and trainings in: Content writing, Public speaking, Editing and proofreading, Book Project Supervision, Book recommendations, Book reviews, Book promotion, CV writing, Letter writing, Book publishing services, Soft skills, etcetera.

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